The Seiren Group has established its "Basic Sustainability Policy" to define its approach to proactively addressing issues surrounding sustainability.
Our Basic Sustainability Policy
"As its basic corporate management policy, the Seiren Group is aiming at becoming an ""Excellent Company Befitting the 21st Century"", a company satisfactory/acceptable to its shareholders, customers and local community and where its employees can work with pride.
In addition, we have formulated ""Environmental Protection Principles"" as the basis of our environmental management, stipulating that ""from the standpoint of protecting people and the global environment, the Seiren Group shall conduct safe and secure corporate activities in all its processes and organizations extending to R&D, production and sales.""
Based on the above, we have set forth our basic sustainability policy as described below in order to achieve the dual goal of ""building a sustainable society"" and ""securing sustainable growth of the Seiren Group"" in response to the expectations of the society through our business activities."
We shall commit to offering high-quality goods and services best adapted to environmental change and customer needs.
We shall make our best efforts toward the realization of a sustainable society by developing and offering products and services friendly to people and the environment while in pursuit of customer safety, security, comfort and satisfaction with quality as a top priority.
2.Coexistence and Co-prosperity with Customers
We shall be committed to achieving coexistence and co-prosperity with our customers by respecting them and building mutual trust with them in a long-term perspective. When conducting business activities involving customers in overseas countries, we shall commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations and the spirit thereof in the countries to ensure fair and free transactions with the customers.
3.Contribution to Local Community
We shall commit to respecting the culture and tradition of the local community involved in our business activities and contributing to its development.
4.Conservation of the Global Environment
Recognizing that our business activities are not possible without conservation of the global environment where people can lead their secure lives, we shall be committed to conserving the global environment and combatting climate change.
5.Human Rights and Work Environments
We shall commit to understanding and respecting the human rights of all people and reflecting such understanding and respect in our business activities.
We shall be committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in our workplace and creating work environments where all our employees are provided with equal opportunities and they can work in a comfortable and satisfactory manner.
6.Improvement of Management Organizational Structure
Our management team shall commit itself to proactively promoting sustainability by building a proper business portfolio and implementing proper allocation of our management resources and improvement of our management organizational structure as required to promote sustainability. In addition, our management team shall be committed to ensuring that all our employees will become informed of our basic sustainability policy and educating them to raise their awareness of sustainability.
Recognizing compliance as a top priority in all aspects of the implementation of our business operations, we shall commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations at home and abroad, international norms, internal rules, etc., as well as acting fairly and faithfully in accordance with social common sense.
8.Information Disclosure to and Dialogue with Stakeholders
We shall commit to disclosing our corporate information to a broad range of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, in a proper and fair manner, while engaging in continuous dialogue with them to build a relationship of trust with them.