This and the following pages provide a video overview of SEIREN GROUP, as well as information about its business lines, history, etc. in a easy-to-understand manner.
A Message to our Shareholders from the Chairman and C.E.O
With "Reform into a 21st century company" as its medium-term policy, SEIREN will commit to implementing a business strategy and working towards strengthening the quality of our company.
During the current consolidated fiscal year, although there was a change in the status of COVID-19 under the Infectious Diseases Control Act and signs of a return to normalization of economic and social activity, the future economic environment remains uncertain due to factors such as the tense global situation, soaring energy and raw material prices, and rapid fluctuations in exchange rates.
Despite this difficult business environment, our group is advancing its business strategy based on the pillars of “Innovation and Customer Development” and “Corporate Culture Reform” in order to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers, secure stable profits and achieve continuous growth, based on our mid-term policy of “Exploring Unknown Possibilities!”. At the same time, we are working to strengthen our corporate structure by continuing the management policy that enhances non-financial value, such as the potential of the company, which includes human resources, development capability, and environmental initiatives.
Consolidated results for the current consolidated fiscal year were sales of 141.807 billion yen (up 7.1%*), operating profit of 13.991 billion yen (up 9.0%*), ordinary income of 16.137 billion yen (up 5.2%*), and current net income attributable to parent company stockholders of 12.271 billion yen (up 11.3%*). Our groups’ current sales, operating profit, ordinary income and net income attributable to parent company stockholders all reached record highs. * compared with the previous consolidated fiscal year