
HOME > IR Information > Disclaimer

Exemption Clause

The information provided on this homepage for our shareholders and investors is designed to help them deepen their understanding of SEIREN CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as the Company), not to solicit them to buy or sell or otherwise transact shares in the Company.  In addition, the information given on this homepage is not intended to guarantee the future performance of the Company, but contains risks and uncertainties which may cause the future performance of the Company to be likely affected by changes in the management environment, becoming significantly different from its original goal or expectation.  The Company therefore assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to you as a result of your use of the information contained on this homepage.  We request that you make your  investment decision at your discretion.


It should be noted that the information provided on this homepage does not necessarily always contain or reflect the most recent information and that it may be subject to change or alteration without prior notice from time to time.


Although the Company has taken all possible measures to ensure that the information on this homepage is accurate, complete and free of errors, the information may contain any inaccurate or inappropriate information as a result of tampering by third parties or for any other reason.  The Company, however, assumes no responsibility for any such inaccurate or inappropriate information, as well as for any loss or damage arising from downloading of any data contained in the information, etc.